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Our films

Our film collection is almost entirely about the Second Air Division or the Second World War.

If you want to look for a film, you can download our list of videos and DVDs (PDF, 2 MB) held in the collection. You can also find them listed in the Norfolk libraries' catalogue.

Viewing, loan and reproduction

We don't hold copyright for most of this collection, so we cannot help you with reproduction of most films.

Most items in the collection are not available for loan, but you can watch films in the 2nd Air Division Meeting Room during library opening hours. If you want to do this, contact us to book the room in advance. You can also contact us to arrange film screenings for groups and organisations.

If you're interested in hearing stories of the 'Friendly Invasion' and the experiences of US servicemen in East Anglia during the war, you can also visit our YouTube channel to watch a series of short films.


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