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Other collections

This is a brief guide to some of the other collections you can access via the library.

You can also view 30,000 images of photographs, memoirs, letters and other documents at our digital archive.

Audio recordings

There's a small audio recording collection at the Library.

You can only access these recordings in the library itself. They can't be issued.

You can listen to them in our Meeting Room during our opening hours.

If you wish to do this, it's best to reserve the room in advance.

Additional oral histories are deposited with the Norfolk Record Office (NRO).


The microforms we hold include copies of the microfilm made at Maxwell Air Force Base at the close of the Second World War.

This was created from the paper records of the various Army Air Forces: we only hold those for the Second Air Division.

The microfilms are kept at the Norfolk Heritage Centre (NHC).

Like us, it's based within the Millennium Library.

If you want to request a microfilm, please speak to our staff first before going to NHC.


We've a small collection of photographs in storage at The Forum.

Information about these is available from our staff.

Most of the photos we hold are on deposit with the NRO and can be viewed in their searchroom.

See the NRO's website for details of opening times, etc.

We can't say with any certainty whether our collection holds an image of a particular person, as many of the photos are unidentified or have minimal captions. 


Our collection of pictures includes photographs, prints, paintings, maps and messages.

If you want to see what we have in the collection, you can download our picture inventory (PDF, 134 KB).

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